In August 2002, a group of some 50 young Kenyans gathered in Naro Moru under the auspices of the Institute of Economic Affairs to deliberate
on a vision for Kenya.
Over the following six-month peirod, they worked together to develop a vision for the country spanning through to 2027. They were inspired
by the success of the Kenya Scenarios Project - a joint initiative of the Institute of Economic Affairs and the Society for International Development that took place between 1998-2002. The Kenya Scenarios Project
sought to depict alternative possible futures that might evolve in Kenya, and what they would mean for the country.
Whereas the scenarios focused on what might happen, the Vision seeks to focus on what should
happen. It is thus an attempt to map out desireable outcomes for Kenya, and to engage Kenyans in a discussion of what they would consider desireable.
This website documents the outcomes of the Kenya Vision Project. What is all of this about?
- It is about a proposal for a national vision for Kenya that has been developed by young Kenyans who are committed to their country and
its future;
- It is about Dialogue. The vision set forth here is meant to contribute to the search for national consensus. It is hoped that people
will feel sufficiently challenged to engage with it, and to reflect on what outcomes they would like to see;
- It is about the Kenya we want;
- It is the promise of a generation
The National Vision team organized a contest in which high school students were invited to submit poems to reflect on the themes of the
National Vision - Life in Kenya in 2027.
You can read the winning entries by clicking on the titles of the poems
Online resources